Bernard hurriedly looked down again at her shoes. Perhaps she had noticed his upward creeping gaze. There was excitement in that, but he knew that whe... he was rewarded he had to concentrate on her shoes and feet. That was the rule, that was how it had always been… Eight. Now he was starting to feel that insistent pressure. He knew that he had to climax on the tenth stroke, not before and certainly not after. He had to make sure that he got none of his come on Evelyn, that would just lead to. Enema – PunishingTypes Available: [Milk], [Water], [Soapsuds], [Hot Sauce], [Ice], [Extra Cramps], [Tabasco and Spice]Size: [Medium – Very Large]Retention Time: [Medium – Maximum]Corporal Punishment – PunishingTypes Available: [Flogger], [Riding Crop], [Paddle], [Cane], [Whip]Locations: [Asscheeks], [Thighs], [Feet], [Breasts], [Nipples], [Back], [Clit]Strength: [Medium – Severe]Electric – SupplementaryLocations: [Clit], [Asscheeks], [Vaginal Dildo], [Anal Dildo]Strength: [None – Low]Teasing –. Well I dozed off and on till my two hours were up.On the deck I went forward and found the steadiest place I could but it wasn't too steady. Then I went to the bridge to visit with the first officer."Have you ever sailed this exact course before?" I asked."Yes, but this trip will be different. We always bribed the pirates for safe passage. The captain has said that this time we will fight them?" It was a question."Well, I hope it won't come to that, but it might. How will you feel about it?" I. Let me give you a sample of a day's schedule:08.45 - still at home, phone call from one of the neighbor women "please come to fix my plumbing as my husband is on a business trip".10:00 - breakfast break with the boss' wife - at her home.13:00 - Lunch break with the department secretary in the small forest that is on the company grounds.17:00 - "drinks with the guys" - the guys' names are Louise and Betty, Sandra and Lily etc.19:00 - if I'm lucky he comes home to have dinner and later to have.
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